Path To Nowhere

Chameleon: The Master of Hypnotism in Path to Nowhere

by auron66 2023. 3. 1.

Are you looking for a unique character to add to your Path to Nowhere team? Look no further than Chameleon! This A-type Catalyst is a master of hypnosis, able to sway enemies and allies alike to her will.

Rarity and Job

Chameleon is a Catalyst with a rarity of 1 in Path to Nowhere. As a Catalyst, she specializes in providing buffs and support for her allies.


Chameleon's attack speed is 1.07, and her damage type is magical. Her maximum stats for HP, ATK, DEF, and RES are currently unknown. However, her minimum stats are 788 for HP, 121 for ATK, 51 for DEF, and 57 for RES.


Chameleon has a variety of skills that make her an invaluable asset to any team. Here are her most notable skills:

  • Mental Sore (Range Basic Attack)
    Chameleon starts to hypnotize her enemies, dealing 78% of her attack damage as magic damage each time. As this skill upgrades, its damage multiplier increases up to 141%.

  • Suggestion (Range Ultimate Skill)
    Chameleon hypnotizes an allied Sinner and attaches 1 stack of "Deep Suggestion". Each stack of "Deep Suggestion" increases the ally's attack speed by 4%, and it can stack up to 5 times, lasting for the entire battle. As this skill upgrades, the attack speed bonus increases up to 6%.

  • Mass Hypnosis
    Allied Sinners affected by "Suggestion" become "Catalysts", gaining a 10% normal attack damage bonus. When using "Suggestion", Chameleon attaches 1 stack of "Deep Suggestion" to all "Catalysts". She can have up to 3 "Catalysts" at a time. As this skill upgrades, the normal attack damage bonus increases up to 15%.

  • Transference
    Allies Sinners affected by "Suggestion" gain an extra 10% attack speed bonus for 10 seconds. As this skill upgrades, the attack speed bonus increases up to 15%.

Special Ability Description: Chameleon Exclusive Brand

Chameleon's special ability is called "Mental Sore". For every 10 times of damage, all "Deep Suggestion" Catalysts will gain an additional 6/8/10% attack speed bonus for 7 seconds. This ability can give your team an advantage in battles and can turn the tide of the game in your favor.

Characteristic: Supportive Sinner

Chameleon is a sinner who is highly adept at supporting allies. Not only can this character increase the Energy Recovery Speed by 10%, but the leader skill called Tidal Surge can also increase Energy Recovery Speed by 15%. This makes Chameleon an excellent choice for any team that needs support.

Shackles: Abilities That Make a Difference

Chameleon has several Shackles that can change the course of the game. The first Shackle, called Hypnosis, gives all allied Sinners a 10% Attack Speed bonus for 15 seconds at the start of the battle. The second Shackle, called Prolong, extends the duration of the "Transference" effect by 4 seconds. The third Shackle, called Emotional Resonance, reduces the Ultimate Energy Consumption by 3 points. Lastly, the Shackles Sync I and II, increase the maximum number of "Catalysts" by 1. These Shackles can give your team an edge in battle and can help you win the game.

Affinity: Unlocked Data, Health, Magic Resist, and More

Chameleon has an Affinity that unlocks various perks for the character. These include Monitoring Record, Life +40, Magic Resistance +3, Health +40, Magic Resist +3, Unlock Voice: Special Conversation 1, Unlock Data: Surveillance Records, Unlock Voice: Special Conversation 2, Unlock Voice: Special Conversation 3, Unlock Condition: Complete Chameleon's Review, Emoji, and Unlocking Voice: Obedience is full, Title: Dream Peeping Bewitched. These unlocks can improve the character's overall performance in the game.

Crimebrand Recommendation: Early and Late Game

For the early game, it is recommended to use Syndicate: Glory for Chameleon. This Crimebrand provides a Magic Damage +15% and damage received +25%. The slots for this Crimebrand are Attack 1.8%-3.6%, Health 3%-6%, and Magic Damage 3%-6%. It can be found in Resonance Anomaly (Wed.Sat.Sun), Memory Anomaly (Mon.Thu.Sun), and Impression Anomaly (Tue.Fri.Sun).

For the late game, it is suggested to use Turning: Zero. This Crimebrand gives 3 Energy points after using Chief Skill and can be triggered once every 10 seconds. The slot for this Crimebrand is Attack 2.4%-4.8% and can be found in Impression Anomaly (Tue.Fri.Sun). Additionally, the Crimebrand called Hope can be used to give Chameleon an Initial Energy +5. The slot for this Crimebrand is Health 4%-8% and can be found in Resonance Anomaly (Wed.Sat.Sun). Lastly, the Crimebrand called Corridor Echo can be used to give Chameleon an Initial Energy +8 and Attack Speed 5%-10%. The slot for this Crimebrand is found in Memory Anomaly

