
Guide: Crow - The Defensive Support with a Whiff of Madness

by auron66 2023. 2. 22.

Character Profile

Crow is a Burst III SMG defender who can reduce the enemies ATK. She is the leader of Exotic, a squad from the Outer Rim. Crow's rarity is SSR, and her element is Fire. Her position is Burst 3, and her role is Defensive Support. Her weapon of choice is the Submachine Gun, and her class is Defender.

Character Skill

Crow's skill set is pretty unusual for a defender, as she primarily focuses on reducing the damage dealt by enemies, helping the team in that way. Her skills are as follows:

  • Skill 1: Soundwave Grenade: Crow throws a grenade that explodes on impact, dealing damage to all enemies in its radius and reducing their ATK for a set period.

  • Skill 2: Crow's Suppressor: Crow fires a suppressor that deals damage and reduces the ATK of enemies hit by it. If an enemy's ATK is already reduced, the suppressor deals additional damage.

  • Skill 3: Support Fire: Crow calls in support fire, dealing damage to enemies in a straight line and reducing their ATK for a set period.

Character Ability

Crow's ability is Fire Support. When an ally uses their skill, Crow has a chance to fire a burst of bullets at the enemy, dealing additional damage and reducing their ATK.

Pros and Cons

Like all characters, Crow has her strengths and weaknesses. Here are some of them:


  • Crow's ATK reduction abilities can be very helpful in reducing damage dealt by enemies.

  • Crow's Fire Support ability can deal additional damage and reduce ATK.

  • Crow's SMG weapon has a high fire rate and can deal a lot of damage in a short amount of time.


  • Crow cannot utilize her DEF buff well since she has no taunt.
  • Crow's sustained damage dealt is not as high as other defenders.

Weapon Type

Crow's weapon of choice is the Submachine Gun. This weapon has a high rate of fire and can deal a lot of damage in a short amount of time. It is ideal for short-range combat and can quickly take down enemies.

Guide: How to Use this Crow

Crow is a unique character in that she is a defender with a focus on reducing the damage dealt by enemies. To use her effectively, you should focus on using her ATK reduction abilities as much as possible. This will help to reduce the amount of damage your team takes from enemies.

When using Crow, it is essential to position her correctly. As a defender, she should be placed in front of your team, blocking enemy attacks. However, since she has no taunt, it is crucial to have other characters that can draw enemy fire away from her.

Crow's ability, Fire Support, can be very helpful in dealing additional damage to enemies. To make the most of this ability, you should focus on using characters with high ATK and pairing them with Crow.


Crow is a unique character in Nikke: Goddess of Victory, with a focus on reducing the damage dealt by enemies. Her ATK reduction abilities can be very helpful in reducing the amount of damage your team takes. Crow's SMG weapon has a high fire rate and can deal a lot of damage in a short amount of time. To use Crow effectively, it is crucial to position her correctly and use her abilities and Fire Support ability to deal additional damage to enemies.

