
Guide to Build Noah Character in NIKKE

by auron66 2023. 2. 26.

Are you ready to take on the challenge of saving humanity in the futuristic world of NIKKE? As a player of this mobile third-person shooter RPG, you will need to build a powerful character that can withstand the challenges of battling against invaders while exploring a world waiting to be discovered. In this guide, we will focus on building a character around the goddess of victory, Noah, also known as Nikke, a SSR Defender class with the rocket launcher weapon and wind element.


Let's start with Noah's profile. She is a defender class character with a rocket launcher weapon and wind element. She was released on November 4th, 2022, and is manufactured by Pilgrim. Her squad is Inherit, and her VA (EN) is Jackie Lastra. Noah possesses incredible strength and is widely recognized as the invincible shield of the surface that protects Inherit.


Noah has a unique set of skills that makes her a valuable addition to any team. As a defender, she can taunt enemies and protect her allies with buffs. Let's take a closer look at her skills:

  • Rocket Launcher Normal Attack
    Noah's normal attack deals 32.02% ATK as damage to a target enemy. This attack has a charge time of 1.5 seconds, and when fully charged, it deals 250% damage.
  • Skill 1 - This is Gonna Hurt
    This passive skill affects all allies and has a 10% chance to activate when attacked. It reduces sustained damage by 8% for 10 seconds.
  • Skill 2 - Cruisin' for a Bruisin'
    This passive skill activates when attacking with a full charge and affects the target(s). It taunts the enemy for 2 seconds and reduces their ATK by 7.82% for 2 seconds.
  • Burst Skill - U Mad Bro?
    This active skill affects Noah and all allies. It taunts all enemies for 10 seconds, grants invincibility to all allies for 3 seconds, and increases DEF by 133.48% for 10 seconds.

Analysis and Review

Noah is an excellent defender with multiple taunts and the ability to provide buffs to her allies. Her burst skill is especially useful in both PVE and PVP, granting invincibility to all allies and taunting all enemies. This skill can be a game-changer in dire situations, allowing your team to recover and turn the tide of battle.

However, Noah's skills also have some weaknesses. Her skill 1 only has a 10% activation chance and relies on her being attacked, making it difficult to trigger. Her S2 has a slightly higher activation chance and is easier to activate with her burst skill. Additionally, as a rocket launcher user, her rate of fire is limited.

Overall, Noah is a strong defender with the potential to become one of the best characters in PVP. She is capable of negating the enemy's team burst skills by granting invincibility to her team. Her high burst energy generation also helps her team reach full burst faster.

Pros & Cons

Noah's multiple taunts and the ability to provide DEF buffs and invincibility make her an excellent addition to any team. However, her rocket launcher limits her rate of fire, and her burst skill has a 40-second cooldown, which forces you into a 1-2-2 formation. Additionally, as a Pilgrim manufacturer character, she may be difficult to obtain.

In conclusion, building a character around Noah can be a great choice for those who enjoy playing as a defender class. Her unique set of skills, strengths, and weaknesses make her an exciting and challenging character to master.

PVP Analysis:

Noah is a top-tier character for PVP in GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE. She has several strengths that make her a valuable addition to any team.

Firstly, she is capable of taunting enemies in two different ways. Her fully charged shots taunt a single target for 2 seconds and reduce its attack, while her Burst skill taunts all enemies and grants Invincibility to her team. This makes her an excellent option for disrupting the enemy team's strategy and protecting her allies.

Additionally, her Burst skill generates a high amount of burst energy, which can help her team reach their Full Burst faster. This can be particularly useful in PVP, where matches are often decided by which team can use their Burst skills first.

Furthermore, she can reduce the enemy's attack with her Skill 2, which is helpful in mitigating damage and keeping her team alive.

However, there are also some drawbacks to using Noah in PVP. Her Burst skill has a long cooldown of 40 seconds, which can limit the team's formation options. Additionally, she is a Rocket Launcher user, which limits her Rate of Fire and can make her vulnerable to enemies with high mobility.

Overall, Noah's strengths outweigh her weaknesses in PVP, making her a valuable pick for any team that wants a powerful tank with disruptive abilities.

