
Guide to Building Ether in GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE - The Ultimate Shotgun Defender

by auron66 2023. 2. 23.

Are you looking for a powerful shotgun defender to add to your team in GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE? Look no further than Ether, a Burst I shotgun defender with excellent defensive potential. In this guide, we'll take a closer look at Ether's skills, abilities, and backstory, as well as provide tips for utilizing her in the game.

Profile of Ether

Ether is a humanoid girl built by Missilis to help defeat the Rapture invasion and reclaim the planet for humanity. She is a member of M.M.R. and wields the Sacrificial Bacchanal, an electric shotgun. Ether is a defender class character, meaning she is designed to absorb damage and protect her allies.

Skills of Ether

Ether's skills are a crucial aspect of her gameplay. Here's a breakdown of each of her skills and how they can be used effectively:

  • Shotgun Normal Attack
    Ether's normal attack fires 9 rounds from her shotgun, dealing 214.03% ATK as damage to a single enemy.
  • Skill 1 - Corrosive Bullets (Passive)
    Ether's Corrosive Bullets skill affects an ally with the lowest HP and reduces sustained damage by 52.5% for 5 seconds. This skill is useful for keeping your team alive during battles, especially when facing enemies that deal heavy sustained damage.
  • Skill 2 - Prognostic Response Experiment (Active)
    Prognostic Response Experiment affects three enemies with the highest DEF, dealing 56.32% of ATK as damage. It also reduces DEF by 9.38% for 6 seconds during Full Burst. This skill is useful for weakening enemy defenses and dealing damage to multiple targets.
  • Burst Skill - Colossal Single Cell (Active)
    Ether's Burst Skill, Colossal Single Cell, creates a shield equal to 96% of her Max HP for 5 seconds, affecting three allied units with the lowest HP. This skill is useful for providing your team with additional protection, especially during boss battles or when facing tough enemies.

Pros and Cons of Using Ether

Ether has several strengths that make her an excellent choice for your team. These include her ability to shield her team, reduce sustained damage for allies with low HP, and lower DEF for up to three enemies. However, there are also some limitations to her gameplay. Her shotgun has a limited range, which can make it challenging to deal damage to enemies at a distance. Additionally, she lacks offensive support, meaning that she may struggle to deal significant damage to enemies.

Tips for Using Ether in the Game

To make the most of Ether's skills and abilities, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Use Corrosive Bullets to reduce sustained damage for allies with low HP.
  • Prognostic Response Experiment is useful for weakening enemy defenses and dealing damage to multiple targets.
  • Use Colossal Single Cell to shield your team and provide additional protection during boss battles or when facing tough enemies.
  • Pair Ether with offensive support characters, such as Neon or N102, to help deal damage to enemies.

In conclusion, Ether is an excellent choice for players looking for a powerful shotgun defender in GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE. Her defensive abilities make her an asset to any team, and her skills can be used to weaken enemy defenses and protect allies. With these tips, you'll be able to make the most of Ether's potential and build a character that can dominate the game.

Is Ether good for PVP?

When it comes to PVP, Ether can be a decent choice due to her defensive capabilities. She can shield her team with her Burst Skill, which can help protect against enemy attacks. Additionally, her Skill 1 can reduce the sustained damage of an ally with the lowest HP, which can help keep them alive longer. However, her lack of offensive support may limit her effectiveness in PVP compared to other characters that can deal more damage. Overall, while she can be useful in PVP, there may be better options available depending on your playstyle and team composition.

