Guide to Building Novel - The Debuffer Defender in NIKKE

auron66 2023. 2. 26. 14:06

If you're a fan of mobile third-person shooter RPGs, then NIKKE is a game that should be on your radar. The game features stunning visuals, a one-handed control scheme, and a futuristic storyline that follows humanity's struggle after being forced underground by invaders. In this world, you are the only thing standing between humankind's annihilation and a new beginning. One character that you should consider building is Novel, a Burst II SMG Defender who is a debuffer.

In this guide, we'll go over everything you need to know about building Novel to make her an effective debuffer in NIKKE.


Novel is a detective who is a fan of Sherlock Holmes, and her intense curiosity inevitably draws her towards any nearby crime scene. Although she is in Protocol, she has great difficulty operating machines. Her squad is Protocol, and her weapon is an SMG called Iron. She was manufactured by Tetra, and her release date was November 4th, 2022.


Novel is a Debuffer, and her skills revolve around debuffing enemies to make them easier to defeat. Her skills can affect multiple enemies, making her an excellent addition to a team that wants to take down bosses quickly.


Novel's skills are focused on debuffing enemies, and they can make a significant impact on boss fights.

  • Normal Attack
    Novel's normal attack is an SMG shot that deals 8.1% ATK as damage to the target enemy.

  • Skill 1 - Something's Fishy Here
    Novel's first skill is called Something's Fishy Here. It is an active skill that affects three enemy units with the highest DEF. It deals 52.36% of ATK as damage and reduces the targets' DEF by 7.05% for 5 seconds.

  • Skill 2 - Detective's Intuition
    Novel's second skill is called Detective's Intuition. It is a passive skill that activates after landing 100 normal attacks. It affects Novel and increases her DEF by 13.5%. The effect can stack up to five times and lasts for 15 seconds.

  • Burst Skill - Case Closed
    Novel's Burst Skill is called Case Closed. It is an active skill that affects one enemy unit with the highest ATK. It deals 330.61% of ATK as damage and increases the target's damage taken by 67.5% for 5 seconds. It only activates when Detective's Intuition is fully stacked.

Combat Information

Novel is an SSR rarity character, and she is classified as a Defender. However, she's one of the best debuffers in the game and will be a staple of a lot of boss-killing teams. Her main strength lies in her Burst Skill, which increases the amount of damage an enemy takes. To balance it out, to activate the debuff, she needs to fire 500 shots. Thankfully, with her being an SMG wielder, it's doable.

Novel's weakness is that her SMG limits her weapon range, making her not that effective in non-boss stages. She shines in boss fights, where her debuffing skills can make a massive impact.


Novel is an excellent character to add to your team if you're looking to take down bosses quickly. Her debuffing skills can make a massive impact on boss fights, and she's an SSR rarity character, making her rare and valuable. While she's not that good

PVP Analysis

When it comes to PVP, Novel may not be the best choice due to her skill set focusing on debuffing enemies, which may not be as useful in PVP. In addition, her weapon range is limited, which can make it difficult to engage with opponents who are using longer-range weapons.

However, in a team setting, Novel can still be useful in certain situations. Her Burst Skill can help deal significant damage to a single enemy, which can be useful in taking down high-priority targets. Additionally, her DEF buff from her Skill 2 can help her survive longer in battles.

Overall, while Novel may not be the strongest choice for PVP, she can still have some use in certain team compositions and situations. It's important to consider the strengths and weaknesses of each character when building a team for PVP.
