Path To Nowhere

Fox Guide - The Magical Catalyst in Path to Nowhere

by auron66 2023. 3. 4.

Are you in search of a magical character to boost your team's chances of victory in Path to Nowhere? Look no further than Fox, the rare A type character in the game. In this article, we'll take a closer look at Fox's stats, skills, and abilities, and explain why he could be the key to your success.


As a Catalyst character, Fox is primarily a support hero. His Block is only 1, but his Attack Speed is a respectable 0.86. Fox's Damage Type is Magical, and while his Max Stats for HP, ATK, DEF, and RES are not available, his Min Stats are HP 824, ATK 116, DEF 55, and RES 48.


Fox has four skills, each of which can be upgraded. His basic attack, Allegation, involves launching a Word Spirit at the enemy that deals 105% of his own attack spell damage. Fox's ultimate skill, Defense, allows him to interfere with language, granting all friendly confinement members a 20% damage reduction bonus and immunity to control effects for 6 seconds.

Fox's other two skills, Public Trial and Cross-Examination, are equally useful. Public Trial extends the duration of the enemy's core break state by 2 seconds when Fox is on the battlefield, while Cross-Examination reduces an enemy's damage by 10% for 4 seconds when they use a skill.

Special Ability

Fox's "Fox Exclusive Brand" ability is a significant reason for his popularity. When Fox is on the battlefield, the friendly confinement who breaks the enemy's core will gain a 9/12/15% attack bonus for 10 seconds. This can turn the tide of battle in your favor, especially when combined with his other skills.


Fox is an excellent support hero who is good at reducing the enemy's damage by 5% for 3 seconds with his Charge skill. Additionally, he is adept at supporting friendly confinement, making him a valuable asset to any team.

Leader Skill

Finally, Fox's leader skill increases energy regeneration by 15%, which can be useful for sustaining your team's energy levels during a long and grueling battle.


The Shackles ability is one of Fox's key skills, which allows her to stun an enemy and extend the duration of the effect by two seconds with the Adjournment defense. Shackle Sync I and II abilities also help increase her energy recovery by 7.5%, making her a formidable opponent on the battlefield.

  • Fair Decision

With the Fair Decision ability, Fox can boost her team's damage by 10% against enemies whose cores are broken. This can be a game-changer, as it can significantly increase the chances of defeating enemies and winning the game.

  • Emotional Resonance

Fox's Emotional Resonance ability is another useful skill that reduces Destroyer energy consumption by 3. This can help her save energy for more critical moments in the game, giving her a tactical advantage over her opponents.


Fox's affinity includes a range of unlocked information, health, defense, and voice commands that can be unlocked by progressing through the game. With the Unlock Data ability, she gains access to Surveillance Records, Monitoring Record, and Emoji, while her Unlock Voice ability unlocks three special conversations that can be triggered by raising her level to Level 2.

Crimebrand Recommendation

In the early game, Syndicate: Glory is a recommended slot for Fox, as it increases her Magic Damage by 15% while increasing damage received by 25%. For players in the late game, Nightmare Revelation is a good option, which increases the Attack Strength and Attack Speed of all allied Sinners by 6% and 10%, respectively, for 30 seconds.

Hope is another recommended slot for Fox, which increases her Initial Energy by 5 and provides her with additional health when she's in the Resonance Anomaly location.

In conclusion, Fox is a highly skilled character in the Path to Nowhere game, with a range of abilities and affinity that can give players a significant advantage on the battlefield. By understanding how her skills and slots work, players can use Fox to outsmart their opponents and emerge victorious in the game.

