
Liter Guide, the Goddess of Victory: Nikke Supporter Character in GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE

by auron66 2023. 2. 24.

If you're playing GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE, you might be wondering who to add to your team to ensure your victory. Look no further than Liter, the leader of Mighty Tools and a powerful Supporter character. In this guide, we'll explore Liter's skills, backstory, and why she's considered one of the best characters in the game.

About Liter, the Goddess of Victory: Nikke

Liter is a humanoid girl created by Missilis to combat the Rapture invasion and help reclaim the planet for humanity. As the leader of Mighty Tools, she is a skilled builder who has already lived a long life. She wakes up in the Ark, mankind's new home, along with other Nikke, providing hope for humanity after the Rapture invasion.

Skills and Specialties of Liter

As a Supporter character, Liter's skills are focused on providing buffs to her allies. Her skills include:

  • Skill 1: Liter Boost - This passive skill is activated when entering Full Burst and affects all allies. Its effects change based on the activation time, which reduces the cooldown of Burst Skill and increases Max Ammunition Capacity, Critical Damage, and ATK for a duration of 5 seconds.
  • Skill 2: Bolt Boost - This active skill affects two ally units with the lowest HP and recovers 52.5% of their HP for a duration of 15 seconds.
  • Burst Skill: Double Boost - This skill affects all allies and increases ATK by 66% for a duration of 5 seconds.

Liter's specialty is her ability to repair covers for low HP allies, lower Burst Skill Cooldown for all allies, and provide the highest ATK Buff among Burst I characters. Her unique healing skill, Bolt Boost, is a valuable addition to any team as it allows Liter to heal allies' covers behind which your characters hide to avoid enemies' attacks.

Analysis and Review of Liter

Liter is considered the best Burst I character and the best supporter in the game. Her kit is versatile and allows her to do it all. Her S1 skill, Liter Boost, becomes stronger every time she uses her Burst skill, which translates to increasing her allies' damage output and allowing them to use their skills as soon as the burst gauge fills. This is especially crucial for characters like Isabel and Vesti who don't work without it. Her S2 skill, Bolt Boost, is unique as it allows Liter to heal the covers, which is important to avoid getting your characters destroyed by enemies.

Liter's Burst skill, Double Boost, is another reason why she's considered the best character in the game. The damage formula in the game favors ATK buffs, which have the biggest impact on the final damage. With her Burst skill, Liter provides the highest ATK buff among Burst I characters.

However, Liter's potential is reliant on getting 3 Full Bursts, which can be a disadvantage. But with her versatile kit and ability to support her allies, Liter is still considered one of the best characters in the game.


In conclusion, Liter, the Goddess of Victory: Nikke, is a powerful supporter character in GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE. Her versatile kit and ability to repair covers, lower Burst Skill Cooldown, and provide the highest ATK buff among Burst I characters make her a valuable addition to any team. If you have Liter, you will always use her in any game mode - story, bosses, and PVP. She's the perfect character to help you achieve victory in the game.

