
Guide to Build Laplace: The SSR Attacker in GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE

by auron66 2023. 2. 24.

If you are a fan of mobile third-person shooter RPGs, you must have heard about the GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE. This game has gained immense popularity among gamers due to its futuristic story and unique gameplay that involves a mix of shooter-style gameplay and card collecting. In this game, Laplace is one of the SSR attackers that players can choose to build. She is a part of Matis, the top squad in Missilis, and is known for her powerful weapon named Hero Syndrome. This guide will help you understand Laplace's profile, skills, and how to build her to maximize her abilities.

About Laplace

Laplace is the leader of Matis, the top squad in Missilis. She is an SSR Attacker in GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE, and her weapon is a Rocket Launcher that can turn into a laser cannon. Laplace's Burst III class makes her a valuable member of any team. She excels in high enemy density stages and bosses that have their weak points close to each other.


Personal Information:

  • Full Name: Laplace
  • Manufacturer: Missilis
  • Squad: Matis
  • Weapon Name: Hero Syndrome

Combat Information:

  • Rarity: SSR
  • Class: Attacker
  • Weapon: Rocket Launcher
  • Element: Iron
  • Burst type: Type III

Availability and VA Information:

  • Release Date: November 24th, 2022
  • VA (KR): Kim Ye-rim
  • VA (JPN): Ai Kakuma
  • VA (EN): Lauren Landa


Laplace's skills are divided into three categories: Normal Attack, Passive Skills, and Burst Skill.

  • Normal Attack:
    Rocket Launcher
    Control Mode: Charge
    Magazine Size: 6 ammo
    Reload Time: 2.33 s
    Affects target enemy.
    Deals 63.13% ATK as damage.
    Charge Time: 1 sec.
    Full Charge Damage: 250%.

Passive Skills:

  • Skill 1 - Hero Vision
    Activates when landing a hit with Full Charge. Affects self.
    Hero Vision: Explosion Range up 3.57%, stacks up to 5 time(s) and lasts for 5 sec.
  • Skill 2 - Hero Bomber
    Activates when the last bullet hits the target. Affects the target.
    Deals 81.66% of ATK as additional damage.
    Activates when hitting the Boss Parts. Affects the target.
    Deals 14.78% of ATK as additional damage.
  • Burst Skill:
    Laplace Buster
    Active for 40 seconds.
    Affects self.
    Change the weapon in use:
    Max Damage: 897.6% of ATK
    Damage Over Time: 14.52% of ATK
    Lasts for 5 sec.
    Additional Effect: Pierce.
    Affects the same enemy unit(s) when "Hero Vision" is fully stacked.
    Deals 11.9% of ATK as true damage.


  • "IMA FIRING MA LAZOR!" skill deals true damage when Hero Vision is fully stacked.
  • Deals increased damage to boss parts, making her effective against bosses with closely grouped weak points.
  • Excels at dealing damage in areas with high enemy density.
  • Increased explosion range allows her to hit multiple enemies at once, quickly charging her Burst meter.


  • Rocket launcher limits her rate of fire.
  • Below average damage in scenarios where enemies are spread out or bosses have widely spaced weak points.
  • Her Burst skill is not effective with auto-aim turned on.
