Path To Nowhere

Hecate Guide: The Sinister Mage of Path to Nowhere

by auron66 2023. 3. 4.

If you're looking for a character that can deal serious magical damage in Path to Nowhere, then Hecate should be at the top of your list. With her expertise in the arcane arts, Hecate is a powerful force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Let's take a closer look at what makes Hecate such a formidable foe.

Rarity and Job

Hecate is an A-type character in Path to Nowhere with a rarity of one. She specializes in the arcane arts and deals magical damage to her enemies.


Hecate has a block of 1 and an attack speed of 0.54. She deals magical damage with a damage type of Magical. Her maximum stats for HP, ATK, DEF, and RES are currently unknown, but her minimum stats are HP: 921, ATK: 146, DEF: 54, RES: 54.


Hecate has four skills that make her a valuable asset in battle.

  • Delusion Basic Attack
    Hecate's basic attack unleashes the power of Nightmare, dealing (Attack*120%) Magic Damage with each hit.

  • Lightless Mirror Ultimate Skill
    This ultimate skill has a 30 energy consumption and deals a total of (630% of her own Attack) Magic Damage and 1 Core Damage to all enemies in the target grid.

  • Into the Night
    Whenever Hecate and Nightmare deal damage to an enemy, the enemy falls into a "Dream" state. Each stack of "Dream" increases the damage caused by Hecate and Nightmare by 1%. "Dream" can stack up to 10 times.

  • Ghastly Shadow
    At the start of the battle, all allies gain a 10% Magic Penetration bonus.

Special Ability Description

Hecate's exclusive ability is the "Hecate Exclusive Brand." With this ability, she can liberate Nightmare into the battlefield in a designated area, which can block 2 enemies. Nightmare inherits Hecate's 120/135/150% HP, 60/70/80% ATK, 160/180/200% Defense, and magic resistance, which lasts the entire battle. Forbidden Nightmare can only be used once per battle.


Hecate is a sinner adept at magical damage output. She can deal multiple Core Damage when casting an Ultimate, making her a formidable foe.

Leader Skill

Hecate's leader skill is called "Fatal Reflection." With this skill, the Core Damage dealt by her Ultimate is increased by 1 point.

Understanding Hecate's Shackles

Hecate's shackles offer players an advantage in battle by increasing her attack, reducing damage taken, and lowering ultimate energy consumption. Additionally, her shackles provide a boost to her and Nightmare's damage reduction against units affected by "Dream."

  • Shackle Sync I
    Hecate's first shackle provides an attack boost of 5%, allowing her to deal more damage to enemies. With her skills already geared towards control and damage, this shackle further amplifies her abilities.

  • Shadow in Dream
    This shackle reduces the damage Hecate and Nightmare take by an extra 15% when fighting units afflicted with "Dream." It's a great defensive tool to have in battles where "Dream" is a prevalent debuff.

  • Emotional Resonance
    This shackle lowers Hecate's ultimate energy consumption by 3 points, allowing her to use her ultimate more frequently in battle. This can be especially useful during prolonged fights.

  • Shackle Sync II
    Hecate's second shackle provides an additional attack boost of 5%, further increasing her damage output.

Recommended Crimebrand

To fully optimize Hecate's capabilities, players should consider the recommended crimebrand. These crimebrand provide additional benefits to Hecate's abilities, allowing her to control and damage enemies more effectively.

Early Game

Syndicate: Glory
The Syndicate: Glory provides a 15% boost to magic damage and a 25% increase in damage received. This CB allows Hecate to deal more magic damage while also taking more damage, making her a high-risk, high-reward character.

Slot 1: Attack 1.8%-3.6%
Slot 2: Health 3%-6%
Slot 3: Magic Damage 3%-6%
Location: Resonance Anomaly (Wed.Sat.Sun), Memory Anomaly(Mon.Thu.Sun), Impression Anomaly(Tue.Fri.Sun)

Late Game Synergies

Turning: Zero
The Turning: Zero CB grants Hecate 3 energy points after using her chief skill. This can be triggered once every 10 seconds, allowing Hecate to use her chief skill more frequently in battle.

Slot 1: Attack 2.4%-4.8%
Location: Impression Anomaly(Tue.Fri.Sun)

The Hope CB provides Hecate with an initial energy boost of 5, allowing her to use her skills more frequently at the start of battles.

Slot 2: Health 4%-8%
Location: Resonance Anomaly (Wed.Sat.Sun)

Corridor Echo
The Corridor Echo CB provides Hecate with an initial energy boost of 8 and an attack speed boost of 5%-10%, allowing her to use her skills more frequently and attack faster.

Slot 3: Attack Speed 5%-10%
Location: Memory Anomaly(Mon.Thu.Sun)

